Who are we?
Hello everyone and welcome to our blog!
We are Muku & Hagi – Muku was born and raised in Kansai, Japan while Hagi was born and raised abroad. We met at university and are currently working in Japan.
「むく」と「はぎ」です!日本 (関西)育ちと海外育ちという異なるバックグラウンドを持つ二人で、大学で出会いました。今は卒業し、日本で働き中。
What is this blog about?
Chit Chat Japan will talk about Japanese, English, and culture shocks that we found interesting to share. We’ll also include learning tips and our opinions about various topics.
We chose to name our blog, ‘Chit Chat Japan’ because we wanted to ‘chat’ about various topics openly with our different perspectives.
ブログ名は「おしゃべり」するような気軽な感じで作っていけたらということで「Chit Chat」としています。
Contact Us!
We’re always open to crazy and new ideas. If you want to share, let us know!